How to Pray for Your Grandchildren

Mountains Move When Grandmothers Pray Twenty-five years ago, a piece of Gilbert Fonteneau’s heart went missing. Yet, his prayer for his granddaughter, wherever she was, changed the direction of her life and the depth of her faith forever. The story is fictional, but the power of our prayers for our grandchildren is real. Prayer moves the hand of God, who moves in the hearts and lives of our grandchildren. We

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When We Miss Our Children

I recently visited a woman of ninety-five. She wept because she missed her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Three of her four sons have passed away, so she is not unacquainted with grief. She’s a woman of courage and determination, but loneliness often overwhelms her. No doubt, she is loved and valued by loved ones, but in her mind, she is not. To her, she is forgotten and abandoned by those

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Parent Mirroring: How do your children see themselves?

“Mirror, mirror, on the wall, I’m more worthless than them all!” Some have said it. More have thought it. Many of us live it. Our self-concept is flawed. We place ourselves before a funhouse mirror, convinced we are looking at a true reflection. We view ourselves as inferior to others. We know everyone is flawed, but we are more flawed. God loves us, but we are certain He loves others

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One Breath at a Time

Are you overwhelmed by your circumstances? You’ve heard the phrase “throwing in the towel.” When a boxer surrendered the match, he’d throw his towel into the ring and in essence say, “I give up. I acknowledge my defeat. I quit.” Truth be told, looking back over my life, I’m amazed there is a towel left in the cupboard when there’s such a pile in the middle of what feels like

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