Reject Rejection

I recently came across this quote, “Rejection does not mean you aren’t good enough. It means the other person failed to notice what you have to offer.” That may be, but when we feel the spear of rejection, platitudes give no comfort. Snappy quotes do not sooth the burn or stop the sting. So how do we respond? Let’s look at our example.

The message of that quote cannot be said of anyone more than it can be said of Jesus Christ. The prophet Isaiah wrote, “He was despised and rejected . . .” He felt keenly the scorn and contempt of those who raged against him. Yet, His prayer from the cross was, “Father, forgive them.” He willingly submitted to His Father’s plan and focused on future glory. Jesus knew there was a greater purpose in His suffering. He understood the rejection to be part of the unfolding of God’s magnificent story of redemption.

To recognize that even rejection is part of God’s plan will restore our courage. Through the healing power of forgiveness and a Savior-centered focus, peace can be restored to our wounded hearts. Joy can return to us when we understand He has a higher purpose in all that touches our lives. He not only sees the end, He is writing the script and unfolding for each of us our own redemptive story.   


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