How to Pray for Your Grandchildren

Mountains Move When Grandmothers Pray

Twenty-five years ago, a piece of Gilbert Fonteneau’s heart went missing. Yet, his prayer for his granddaughter, wherever she was, changed the direction of her life and the depth of her faith forever.

The story is fictional, but the power of our prayers for our grandchildren is real. Prayer moves the hand of God, who moves in the hearts and lives of our grandchildren. We are not able to meet every need of each grandchild, but God is able. He is there, and He knows.

Ephesians 3:20 tells us God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ask or imagine, according to the power that works in us.

And Jesus said, “… if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you” (Matthew 17:20).

Are there mountains blocking the way to your grandchild’s spiritual health and wholeness? Do they seem insurmountable?

The family structure has been breaking down for the past seventy years, but never as rapidly as it is today. The keyword in most family relationships is complicated. As grandmothers, raised in generations past, we feel profoundly the current collapse of this foundation.

How do we push back the darkness?

The most effective way to fight against the darkness engulfing our grandchild’s world is to pray for them.

We pray they walk moment by moment in the light of God’s truth. That God’s Word will be the light to their path and the lamp that guides their feet. We have no greater joy than to know they walk in truth, but this does not lessen our responsibility to pray. Those who follow Jesus Christ are targets for the arrows of the evil one. They will suffer persecution.

Perhaps for you, joy has been displaced. Your grandchild is a prodigal, and sorrow fills your heart. The mountains have stood unmoved for so long that discouragement has set in, and you feel powerless to affect change. But you are not powerless! The evil one is attempting to disarm you.

Prayer is both our defensive and offensive weapon in pushing back the darkness of this age. As long as our grandchild is in this enemy camp, we must never surrender our weapon.

How do we pray?

Pray the Scriptures.

Words may fail, faith my falter, but the Word of God stands sure and steadfast. Make a listing of verses that apply to your grandchild’s needs. Keep it tucked in your Bible, and pray through them often.

When we pray Scripture, we are speaking God’s Word back to Him. He agrees with everything we are asking. For example, pray through Ephesians 6:13-17, and cover them with spiritual protective gear.

Father, I pray that [child’s name] will put on the whole armor of God today, that he would stand against the wiles of the devil. I pray [child’s name] will put on the belt of truth, that he would recognize lies and not be deceived to his own harm. Place over his chest the breastplate of righteousness, that his heart would not rebel against You and Your Word. Place on his head the helmet of salvation, protecting his mind from discouragement and depression. Make him skillful in using the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, to overcome every temptation that comes against him today. In the authority of the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Mountains move when grandmothers pray.


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