Be Still

What would our anxieties be if we truly knew God? If for a moment we could glimpse God’s true character—His power, His wisdom, His holiness, His love, His understanding—would our hearts be so heavy? Our anxieties so crippling? Our worries so unrelenting?

If our thoughts of the finite could be stilled and we were to see with perfect vision the infinite, would we be at peace?

So often we form an understanding of God’s character through our circumstances, through the words and actions of others, and through the grid of our own experiences and emotions. But these are not true measures.

The Word of God is the only trustworthy source for a true knowledge of God. Through the Scriptures we will grow in our understanding of who He is, and the more we know Him the more deeply and consistently we will experience peace.

The challenges and uncertainties we face so often rob us of peace of mind. Psalm 46:10 tells us how to reclaim it, “Be still and know that I am God.”


Be Covered


Be a Showoff