Be Glad

 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and BE GLAD, because great is your reward in heaven.” – Jesus (Mt. 5:11-12)

Shortly after the fall of communism, my husband, Brock, and I and a team of short-term missionaries visited an evangelical church in Albania. Brock was invited to speak to the assembly and share any message he might have for the believers. This is the practice, and it was a wonderful opportunity.

The experience reminded me of the time the Apostle Paul was invited to speak to the assembly in Antioch. Paul started out with a bit of history. I imagine his fellow Jews were following along, nodding their head in agreement—until Paul said that name, Jesus. Paul’s message of justification by faith alone in Jesus Christ was not welcome. Those who stood in opposition to what Paul was saying “heaped abuse on him.” Many were hostile and angry. Due to the persecution, Paul was driven from the area.

To share truth with those who agree with you, as my husband did in Albania, takes little more than time. To witness to those who disagree takes an unshakeable confidence in the message, an understanding of the power behind it, and a willingness to suffer because of it. Let's not be driven away or silenced. Let's consider our great "reward in Heaven" and BE GLAD.


Be a Showoff


Be Vulnerable